Thursday, July 13, 2006

Lunch at Michael's

It's summer, which means it's time to trade in the crab bisque for the Gazpacho at media machers hotspot Michael's. Serial marrier Ron Perelman was in attendance. He comes in often.

While we'll allow that Michael's is one part media theater and one part restaurant, Ron Perelman's odd habit of wandering the stage rankles. He doesn't just stretch his capitalist chickenlegs, he wanders, struts, cavorts (Averted Gaze). It always has to be a bit of a production when Perelman leaves the table, or goes -- ostentatiously -- to get his coat, chatting along the way, grinning like the cat that licked the cream.

That having been said, we are rapt. Our laser-like gaze focused steely on his every fucking move on those occasions where Perelman did his Michael's routine. Eye-rape would be putting it mildly. From FishbowlNY:

"Table 1: A jacketless (Ron) Perelman (who sported his signature Hampton look � an open collared shirt and tan jeans that belied his intense expression) held court with two other equally imposing looking gentleman guests. Never one to waste time, the Revlon titan got up several times during his meal and the entire table departed before 1:15 pm.

"... 8. David Patrick Columbia, resplendent in seersucker, with Amelia St. Amand.

"9. New York Daily News gossip guru Lloyd Grove and Jay Kriegel.

".. 18. The table that had us wishing we could have been within earshot: former CBS News prexy Andrew Heyward and Time Inc. honcho John Huey.

Divvying up the media universe, we think. More Lunch at Michael's at FishbowlNY.

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