Thursday, July 06, 2006

Jeff Goldblum and Nicole Ritchie

Goldblum and geek aficionado, Lisa Marie. (image via borkowski)

Although in Jurassic Park Jeff Goldblum played a paleontologist fascinated with ancient life forms, in real life he likes pert young flesh just like the average jo. According to Lloyd Grove:

"Just how young does Jeff Goldblum like 'em? Us Weekly says the 53-year-old actor recently dined with 24-year-old waif Nicole Richie. 'Richie says she has had a crush on Goldblum since she was 13,' the mag reports. 'The pair have plans to go out again.' Cradle-robbing?"

Just what does Ritchie get out of it? Goldblum's Adam's Apple jutting out like a flying butress? The spasmodic movements? The pretentious display of pseudointellectualism?

We give.

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  1. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Jeff Goldblum naked, partially covered in sand on beach? Yeah...yuck.

    -Melissa Manchester

  2. Anonymous12:57 PM

    I'm oddly
