Thursday, January 19, 2006

Lunch at Michael's


(image via chriscaffery)

The media power temperature at Michael's yesterday was marginally hot. Not necessarily scorching, the room temperature, but not without some pockets of heat. Then again, there's no such a thing as a bad day at Michael's, if you go in for media power -- and we do. (Exaggerated cough suggesting feigned detachment) Laurel Touby of FishbowlNY fills us in on who is sipping the crab bisque and making deals at the Manhattan media powerspot, Michaels. Says FishbowlNY:

"Table 1: Plastic surgeon to the stars Gerald Imber and his usual bunch of guys (Jerry Della Femina in bright orange, Joel Klein, John Griffith), with one addition: CNN's Jeff Greenfield, fresh in from DC?"

That Jerry Della Famina, he even dresses loud. Although the test-tube-babyish Jeff Greenfield seems an unlikely and rather bookish type for that red-meat crowd.

"... 4: Dear Dominick Dunne, with two gents."

The gents are obviously there to carry the boldface names Dunne drops ... often.

"... 6: NATAS' Peter O. Price with a mysterious bevy of suited fellows, probably television producers. Just what were you hatching up over there?

"8: New York Social Diary's David Patrick Columbia with Mona Ackerman, a delightful-looking woman who is apparently Richard Cohen's significant other.

"... 14: Stan and Fred Shuman. Big media money, Stan's at Allen & Co.

"15: David Hirshey, obviously scheming about the Blank book (which spoofs Blink) that was resting on his table. He was joined by Harper Collins marketing woman Kathy Schneider.

"16: Hollywood producer and hot shot Vincent Roberti, in a robin's egg blue tie, with his rebbe. It was the rebbe's birthday."

Mazel tov. (Averted Gaze)

"... 25: Very LA-looking entertainment lawyer, Orin Snyder ... Close-cropped (practically shaved) hair, small wire-rimmed glasses, think red tie, red pin stripes on grey suit (subtle!) and a bigger-than-life personality. He was with another guy who we barely noticed. One thing he brought up was that impressive article on the front page of the Journal this week about CEO Depression."

Okay, granted, not the best Michael's lineup, but if you want more -- it does get better -- go here.

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