Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Conversations with Michael Eisner


(image via epochtimes)

There are so many conversations The Corsair would like to have with Michael Eisner. As the author of the blog post "Fuck Michael Eisner: Remember the Alamo," you can imagine our line of questioning would be ... intense. One question would be: What do you really think about Roy Disney?

Another, Don't you think you should have treated Steve Jobs better, considering he's a Master of the Universe and you are taking over the old Tina Brown slot on the perennial cable-ghetto that is CNBC? Also, what were you thinking with the theme parks? Theme parks are louche.

Moreover, While we are on the subject: Just What the fuck were you thinking when you wrote the book "Camp"? Is there really a literary market for go-getters who want to read about what Michael Eisner learned at Camp? Really: Who gives a fuck?

(A considerable pause) We'd also like to know if he believes that Jeffrey Katzenberg is now eating his lunch (Because he is; he really is). Did Eisner really throw $8 million into the void on Clive Barker's Abarat for Disney. Because, of course, you know how much little kids like Clive Barker books and movies. (Averted Gaze)

And, finally, one single menacing word: Ovitz.

The Conversations with Eisner would be endless -- sotto voce -- priceless. According to Reuters (via iwantmedia):

"Ex-Disney chief Michael Eisner will host his own bimonthly interview show on CNBC, 'Conversations with Michael Eisner.' In October, Eisner was tapped as a guest host for PBS's Charlie Rose, when he interviewed InterActiveCorp CEO Barry Diller and actor John Travolta."

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