Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Joe Jackson Comes Out to New York Society


(image via NySocialdiary)

It's all so Edith Wharton. Or, at the very least, Whit Stillman. We always knew Joe Jackson was a debutante. Insisting on dancing lessons for the children? Check. An overreliance on cosmetic surgery? Check. Makeup? Checkmate -- Joe Jackson; all that's missing is the annoying lapdog.

Putting aside the rumors of alleged assassinating Michael Jackson's primate lover post-coitus (Averted Gaze), or -- even more unlikely -- the beating his son robustly with a "switch" (Exaggerated cough suggesting feigned detachment)," Joe Jackson is "coming out" to New York sociaety. Our favorite social chronicler David Patrick Columbia writes in NYSocialDiary today:

"... I traveled a few blocks down to interior designer Geoffrey Bradfield�s holiday cocktail party. The invite called for 6 to 8 and I arrived about ten to thinking it�d be me and the stragglers. Wrong. The place was packed and the chilled bottles of Veuve Cliquot were making the rounds and making the rounds. Mr. Bradfield, the international interior designer only moved into this very large house a few months ago but as is his wont, it was done.

"... Among the likely suspects quaffing the bubbly were some new faces in this part of the forest: Joe Jackson also known to the world as the father of Michael, LaToya, Janet, Jermaine, Marlon, Tito, etc. Mr. J has offices here for his JJP, Inc. and his 'Worldwide Hip Hop Competitions' (http://www.hiphopbootcamp.com/)."

1 comment:

  1. And if you lose hip hop camp, Joe's gonna whup yer butt with his bel...um, oops...sorry. I forgot it only works on HIS kids....
