Thursday, October 27, 2005

Why We Love John Danforth


Plato's Statesman. (image via AP via YahooNews)

Former moderate Senator and UN Ambassador John Danforth, who is, incidentally, an Episcopal priest and an early supporter of human rights in Sudan came out swinging against the Evangelical right. Educated freethinkers everywhere rejoice that this wise man is speaking out against what we like to call in a derisive voice "Karl Rove's people." From Daniel Connolly of the AP:

"Former Sen. John Danforth said Wednesday that the political influence of evangelical Christians is hurting the Republican Party and dividing the country.

"Danforth, a Missouri Republican and an Episcopal priest, commented after meeting with students at the Bill Clinton School of Public Service, a graduate branch of the University of Arkansas on the grounds of the Clinton presidential library.

"'I think that the Republican Party fairly recently has been taken over by the Christian conservatives, by the Christian right,' he said in an interview. 'I don't think that this is a permanent condition, but I think this has happened, and that it's divisive for the country.'"

We couldn't agree more.

(Due to an assignment, No posts tomorrow)

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