Thursday, September 08, 2005

Charlie Murphy's True Roosevelt Tales

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From Mean Magazine, September-October 2005:

"Topher Sanders: You have a pretty intimidatinf presence about you and you're always talking about whipping somebody's ass, but have you ever gotten your ass whipped?

"Charlie Murphy: Of course, man. Anybody that tells you they haven't had their ass whipped hasn't had too many fights. (laughs) I grew up in Roosevelt in Brooklyn. Come on, man, of course I got my ass whipped.

"Topher Sanders: Can you recall a supreme ass whipping that you've recieved?

"Charlie: Whenever it came down to recieve a supreme ass whipping I was always blessed with superior running speed. (laughs) So I could escape. I tell you, my Gazelles came in handy like a motherfucker. However, when I was in the seventh grade I was in a gang and I was one of the rawest (dudes) in the gang. The leader of the gang was an old (dude), he was like 25 years old. He had a gang of 50 teenagers who were real scared of him 'cause he was 25 and a drug addict. So about once a week he would make us show up and pay dues. Whoever didn't pay dues, he would make the rest of the gang beat the (guy) down.

"Topher: Wait, wait. Your gang had dues?

"Charlie Murphy: Yeah, man. The gang had dues, 'cause the (leader) was a drug addict."

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