Celebrity Skin
(image via latimes)
If Oswald Spengler had been alive, he would no doubt blame David Hans Schmidt for the Decline of the West. According to the Los Angeles Times:
"Over the last decade, Schmidt has emerged as one of the nation's leading brokers of celebrity porn, the man who negotiated the sale of Tonya Harding's wedding-night sex video; arranged for Paula Jones, the former Arkansas state employee who sued Bill Clinton for sexual harassment, to pose in the buff in Penthouse magazine; and was the behind-the-scenes wheeler-dealer who obtained topless shots of rescued U.S. Army POW Pfc. Jessica Lynch and nude photos of Amber Frey, the star prosecution witness in the Scott Peterson double murder trial, and then tried to peddle them to Hustler magazine's Larry Flynt.
"When a cache of explicit photographs of Oscar-winning actor Jamie Foxx turned up in May � a workman claims to have found them in a Dumpster outside Foxx's Las Vegas home � guess who got ahold of them?"
Ehr, The candyman? No, silly, we're just playing: David Hans Schmidt, of course (link via la.com)
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Its been long over due, but let me say my thanks to him, in behalf of all those maniacs... out there... =)