Monday, June 20, 2005

Is Tom Cruise All Wet?


Above: TomKat towels himself off after an unceremonious water gun-mic attack in the UK. (image via Hello!Magazine/ Rex)

Here's something to cool you off, Cruiser! Here's a little something to whet the whistle! Is The New Urban (tm) Tom Cruise "all wet"? According to Hello!Magazine, some ruffians in London feel he is:

"The 42-year-old actor, who was in town for the premiere of his latest blockbuster War Of The Worlds, got soaked as he spoke to journalists outside the Leicester Square screening. A member of the press pack played a prank on Tom by holding out a water pistol disguised as a microphone during the walkabout. Tom didn't seem too impressed when a jet of water was squirted into his face, though.

"'That's incredibly rude,' he said. 'I'm here giving you an interview and you do something really nasty.' Perhaps the prankster should have known better that to annoy the man who routinely dispatches villains in the Mission Impossible series, because the star promptly grabbed hold of his attacker until security guards could take him away. Police officers later arrested the culprit, along with three other men who were working on a new comedy series in which practical jokes are played on celebrities."

Also, as for The Cruiser's thoroughly stupid accusations that renowned spiritual archaeologist of the unconscious Carl Gustav Jung was a Nazi, Aryeh Maidenbaum emails The Corsair:

" ... It is really complete nonsense and an old, unsubstantiated accusation with no merit. I personally am a committed Jew- raised in an Orthodox Jewish home and still consider myself traditional- with children living in Israel, and involved in Jewish programs and causes to this day. If I thought Jung was a Nazi I would not have gone into the field of Jungian psychology- including training in Zurich with many of Jung's direct students and first generation Jungian analysts. Indeed, my first exposure to Jung came while I was enrolled in a Ph.D. program in Israel where I lived for seven years.

"I did, however, often question Jung's views and some of his comments about Jews and have edited two books on the subject. The most recent, still in print is entitled :'Jung and the Shadow of Anti Semitism'

"... In it, several of the most well known Jungians contribute articles and I personally have two chapters in it as well. I also organized an international conference on the subject, with (and held at) the New School for Social Research in New York.

" ... Nowhere, even those criticizing Jung for his attitude towards Jews in some of his earlier writings, did anyone agree or even say that accusations of his being a Nazi was true.

" ... I am confident (Tom Cruise) is not familiar with any of the research done or he would not have made this statement. If he has any questions or would like to discuss this with me he is welcome to contact me at the email address or my office.

"Thank you, Aryeh Maidenbaum, Ph.D.Director, NY Center for Jungian Studies"

No, Aryeh, thank you.

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