Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Russell Crowe's Thug Love


Testosterone-fueled thespian Russell Crowe is punchy again, offering up his own particular blend of "New South Wales Thug Love," meaning -- of course -- he must be in heat. Say hello to him the wrong way and you might get you a swift headbut to the kidney. The man with what Sting regards as a "surprisingly tender voice" proffers up what can only be construed as "a surprisingly tender punch" to a hungry playright. Nice. According to Rush and Molloy:

"The 'Gladiator' star is vexed by a new play, 'Killing Russell Crowe,' in which a fictional bartender gripes that he'd like to murder the Oscar winner because he never pays for his drinks and leaves only an unsigned headshot as a tip.

"The drama, which just opened in Burbank, Calif., has provoked Crowe to call playwright Jeremy Kehoe a 'desperate [expletive].'

"'It is with generosity I offer the author this tip,' Crowe told the Sydney Sunday Telegraph.

"'Take yourself outside and give yourself two uppercuts.'"

Oh, Russell; how generous. That reminds us when Snoop Dogg told a reporter to go out and slap himself after a rough round of questions. But when you do, Russell, it it is ... a thousand times more menacing. And you never bit your bodyguard's ear.


  1. ...and as SAC so accurately pointed out in the Keitel post (paraphrasing here): who gives a rat's? he's an ACTOR.

  2. Anonymous5:01 PM

    The guy who wrote the play is so desperate for attention that he went and spammed several different Crowe message boards to advertise the play.

    I reckon Crowe made a big mistake by giving the guy any recognition at all.

    Frankly, it's the people doing the play who are jerks, not Crowe.. unless you happen to think that nice people go around fantasizing about murder.
