Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Richard Gere: Roving Ambassador


Above: Richard Gere, Diplomatic Man-whore at large.

According to Hello!Magazine:

"Richard Gere has met up with Jordan's King Abdullah and former US President Bill Clinton in an effort to solve humanity's most pressing problems."

Because, you know, when The Corsair thinks of geopolitical concerns such as -- Third World Debt relief, rogue nuclear weopons, the trafficking of slavery and, last but not least the international gangsterism of the Yakuza and the Russian mafia -- Richard Gere, diplomatic problem solver, he of the immaculate silver coif, that chic Buddhist, immediately comes to mind.

"The three men are among 25 Nobel Prize winners and 19 international figures taking part in a pioneering summit of the world's greatest minds."

Yes, Richard Gere, Koizumi's "private dancer," a dancer for money (Averted Gaze), he'll do what you want him to do ...

"The conference, which is taking place in the Jordanian city of Petra, is hoping to find consensus on how to tackle international issues like poverty, disease and violence. Among the other VIPs jetting into the ancient location were the Dalai Lama and Trinidad-born British author VS Naipaul, along with top physicists, economists and humanitarians. King Abdullah, who is co-hosting the 'World In Danger' summit with Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel, is hoping it will give a much-needed boost to efforts at building a more just world."


(link via

They seek to build on a world in which Richard Gere, who played quite the complex "man-whore" in "Breathless," was paid millions, while unchampioned "man-whore's" throughout Southeast Asia are being paid significantly less, and, comparatively speaking (Averted Gaze), the genre of clientelle are (Exaggerated cough suggesting feigned detachment) altogether dissimilar.

"In a rousing speech to the assembled delegates, the Jordanian monarch said that many young people in the Middle East 'have no memory of a time without conflict,' before warning that globalisation is failing to deliver on its promises. 'People see a huge gap between rich and poor.' "

Would that "gap" be Paris Hilton?

"... They see diseases that wealthy nations have wiped out, that are still crippling people in the developing world. They see gender inequality holding back talents of half the world. They see the harm as well as the hope brought by globalisation.'"

Bleh, bleh, blah blah blah ... and the other thing. So, in other words, another international confluence of hot wind and gassy rhetoric thus hath comes to pass. Absolutely nothing is accomplished, no solid policy proposals are made, but -- and this is the point -- at swishy dinner tables across globe, the swells will have an anecdote-at-the-ready for the next time someone asks, "...But what are you doing about the conflicts in the world?" That, and the after party at the confab had to be smashing.

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