Thursday, May 19, 2005

A Picture's Worth A Thousand Words


Above: The Radar-Denton Media Empire Frisson Continues Apace. Writes in Nick, always a good sport, via email, "Mort Zuckerman was right there. I doubt he was in on it. He looked, um, mortified." (image via Gothamist) The full story -- if you haven't already read it -- here.


  1. I'll make it semi regular. Thanks for the feedback, dparker!

  2. yes, i agree. love the short and sweet. as well as the more in-depth. what can i say...i just find myself floating on over here daily.

    what's happened to n. ritchie? she was so much finer with some meat on the bone.

    burn hollywood, burn.

  3. Thanks, LX: Re: Nicole Ritchie. I think she lost weight, then got all this positive attention, and now she's clearly taken it too far, and so has Lindsay Lohan. Ritchie looks like an Egyptian boy in that pic. Then again, DJ Adam had stomach stapling surgery, so, he's not the one to have "the talk" about eating issues, alas.
