Wednesday, May 04, 2005

A Little of the Old In and Out


Above: Richard Johnson, investigative reporter, a cool guy.

In: Nicole Miller. When Page Six sagely told us in their best world weary "been-there-done-that" voice that, indeed, "most fashion models are too flat and bony for lingerie," we concurred, trusting in their expert knowledge, and assured in the fact that they would send a correspondent -- in the interest of research, of course -- to check out the Nicole Miller show at the ecdysiast palace that is "Scores West." According to Fashionweekdaily:

"So Taylor (Tomassi) packed into Scores West with a horde of other hauterflies for Nicole Miller's lingerie collection debut, a runway striptease starring the Scores Girls themselves. As Absolute style director Chris Campbell and fashion editor Rebecca Guinness crowded the bar, New York Post fashion editor Orla Healy fluttered through the makeshift front row, which included Lauren Ezersky, Hud Morgan, and Page Six scion Richard Johnson, who gamely applauded the 'models' with girlfriend Sessa von Richthofen.

" ... The Daily thought the Scores Girls looked a bit too experienced to be coeds, especially the steamy Daisy Rojas, who chose her stripper name 'Chelsea' because 'this is the closest I'm going to get to be the president's daughter!' In a well-received bit of improv, Daisy discarded the creamy silk demi-cup bra she was modeling to grin and bare it for the audience.

"... Backstage, a stripper rumble was apparently brewing. According to one cocktail waitress, Nicole Miller imported girls from Scores' original eastside location for the event, downgrading the Scores West girls to waitresses and after-party entertainment."

Why doesn't The Corsair ever get invited to these things? You do your thing, Richard Johnson. More Scores strippry, Rojas-ish fun (November 5, 2007): HERE.

Out: Food and Sex and Memory. Proust immortalized the strange connections between food and memory. Let's kick it up a notch. The Corsair has been, of late, utterly fascinated by the connection between food and sex and memory. Don't ask The Corsair why. We just are. Rosie O'Donnell provides exhibit A, on her blog:

"i first spoke to Chrissie in Betty Barnes's class
"i had seen her the day before in anthropology
"she had red sweat pants and a white sweat shirt
"no zipper - with a hood
"it had that worn out preppy non-flea-market look to it
"she had a blond ponytail,
"sky blue eyes
"and a Snyder's hard pretzel in her hand
"she was beautiful"

Ah. So, in the moment of exigency, it was the "Snyder's hard pretzel" sealed the deal, eh? "Hot cross buns" does it every time for The Corsair. And a girl with a pony keg and gravy fries. That's priceless.


Above: Michel Longchampt to Pierre de Ravel d'Esclapon: "Ooh-la-la, Pierre, in here it is, like -- how you say? -- "'Assachsetts'"

In: The Debs. According to NySocialDiary:

"Under the High Patronage of H.E. the Ambassador of France to Washington and H.E. The Ambassador of The United States to France, and in the presence of H.E The Ambassador, Permanent Representative of France to The United Nations, Bal des Berceaux 2005 honored Frederic R. Coudert, Chairman and President of the Board of Directors of Kips Boys and Girls Club.

"The newly choreographed presentation of the debutantes was seen for the first time ever at Cipriani, followed by a live auction by George McNeely of a Special Edition 'Royal Carriages' white Rolls Royce Silver Spirit, a gift from Mr. and Mrs. Rocky Aoki, which was won by Jacques and Mara Khodara."


Above: "It's the number one fact of life ... VD ... gets around." (Kidding)

(image via Defamer)

Out: Katie Holmes. Already the New Urban Tom Cruise (TM) is sapping the virginal purity out of Joey, Lestat-like, platelet by bloody platelet, and leaving a scabby crack 'ho husk in her place. Stop feasting on Katie Holmes' blood, Tom. On any day of the week you know you can go to a cocktail paty in the Hollywood Hills and have your fill of South American peasant plasma. If you're going to "drain" her, Tom, do it fast and painless. This slow media thing is just too cruel.
In: The Liberal-Democrats. The Corsair is going to go out on a limb and predict that the Liberal Democrats will beat the Conservative Party in tomorrow's British election. Tony Blair will be elected with a tiny margin, and will resign before the year is out, giving Gordon Brown the Prime Ministership.


  1. You know, the one time I got hit in the mouth (accidentally, of course - it's a long story), I looked exactly like K.H. (only without the glasses and messy hair).

    I couldn't put concealer or makeup on the mess, as anything that touched the cut part (where my tooth went through my lip - the same place where that really dark mark is on her face) stung like hell.

    Maybe she 'fell down' or something.

  2. yea. maybe she fell down on Chris Klein's fist. it could happen.

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