Monday, May 16, 2005

Dave Chappelle: In Johannesburg


(image via Time)

According to Time Magazine (link via Gawker), Dave Chappelle isn't "nutso," he's just a little ... (sotto voce) "ghetto":

"Dave Chappelle shows up to our interview in a red t-shirt, blue jeans and shiny white sneakers. He lopes around in his usual style, pacing a lot, but does not seem like a man struggling to speak or to order his thoughts at all. He's lucid and thoughtful and a couple of times asks me to give him some time to think about answers. He concedes that he is dealing with a lot of issues and mentions that he had consulted a psychiatrist about a week ago for a forty minute session. He is also quite fastidious about keeping his new sneakers clean and stops at least twice to wipe smudges off their toes."

Way to keep those "kicks" pristine, playboy! That's a solid "6.5" on the patented Corsair Ghett-odometer (TM)." Had Chappelle taken the opportunity, thusly, "to blow on a Nintendo to make it work," well, then Dave would have scored that ever elusive "Perfect Ghetto: 10." That goes without saying. (Huffily)

Seriously, though: The Corsair is always hardest on the ones he loves. It is our cold, Geminian way. Better to take some time and studiously consider the whole "entourage" thing rather thing than go the MC Hammer route. Is it better to go at things "all by myself," like Eric Carmen said, or throw one's lot with attentive lackeys? We think Chappelle is on the right track.

Good to hear that Dave Chappelle isn't institutionalized -- just that he's sort of smoothing his head out, $50 million precariously in the balance -- looking to "fill (his) spirit back up," with close pal, Salim Domar, which ... may or may not be "Xhosha -click-click language" for "$15 million room and board, sucker"

(image via Americanblack) A little ... Sun City R n R? (Kidding)

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