Saturday, March 19, 2005

P Diddy's Auto-Eroticism


P Diddy loves his toys. According to Hello!Magazine:

"Having already proven himself as a rapper, producer, clothes-designer and actor, the inimitable P Diddy has now turned his considerable talents to automobile design."

Oh, dear lord. Can we all say, "overextended"? Is this a laudable case of "serial capitalism," or, more likely then not, the spasmodic, squid-like jerks of an imbalanced freak, hustling another drachma?

The Corsair can appreciate the importance of wealth, and the creation of a business and its ensuing value to society; but to do a business well -- especially a luxury business -- takes planning, involvement, and the dedication of the management team. Diddy's dedication (alliterative, no?), beyond going to high-profile parties and mentioning his involvement in said venture, is dodgy. It doesn't inspire in me confidence of his seriousness of purpose. It reeks of scam. A Diddy-mobile doesn't strike me as luxury, rather, the word: "disposable" arises.

On top of all his other crappy ventures, P Diddy is doing a women's fashion line, out in August and working on a "politically conscious" album (Averted Gaze). More on the Diddy-Mobiles:

"The 'King of Bling,' as he is sometimes known, is releasing a limited number of personalised 'Sean John' Lincoln Navigators."

Of the $105,000-plus rides, "The vehicle is a modified version of the standard Lincoln Navigator. Coincidentally, it was in one these cars that P Diddy and Jennifer Lopez were famously arrested after fleeing the scene of a shooting in 1999."


Other Special Luxury features:

--Secret gun compartments, guaranteed to fool the "po-po".

--Fridge for Juinor's Cheesecake slices.

--Extra "Arroz-con-pollo" ass seating space (TM) for honeys with, ahem, "junk-in-the-trunk."

1 comment:

  1. And here I thought he was, indeed, going to pimp up that damned Pepsi truck.
