Wednesday, February 02, 2005

The State of the Union Drinking Game

One Drink If ...

"Freedom," or, "on the march" is mentioned
"Medical malpractice" is ventured
The President says "nukular"
"historic" is immediately followed by "Iraqi elections"
He asks congress to confirm his judges

Two Drinks Every Time ...
"Social Security" or "crisis" is said
The President asks for bipartisan support on Social Security
The President gives a cocky little smirk
The word "broke" accompanies the words "Social Security"
Bush reassures Americans "55 and above" that they'll remain in the current system.

Finish Your Glass If ...
"Private retirement accounts" are mentioned

Finish the Bottle If ...
The President struts to the podium


  1. I get it, I get it. The point is to get thoroughly soused, quickly, and pass out before we have to listen to any more nonsense from this fool.

  2. OMGWTFBBQ!!!11111 Do you know how many people could be dead from alcohol poisoning because of this "game"? You are SO gonna get sued.

  3. I was dreaming when I wrote that, forgive me if I go astray ...
