Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Denizet-Lewis' Animal House

As in the the affable late 70s comedy Animal House, the guys at Phi Delta Theta (Allegedly, High Ionian Greek for, "Me Love you long time") are taking on authority, namely, The Old Gray Lady. In question is a piece by New York Times Toga Party Correspondent, the earnest looking (directly below) Benoit Denizet-Lewis (link via Romenesko). According to The Northwestern:


"An article in the Sunday edition of the New York Times Magazine has raised a stir on campus for its depiction of Northwestern fraternity life -- a depiction some say is unfair and biased.

"Written by Benoit Denizet-Lewis, a Medill '97 graduate and member of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity, the article titled 'Ban of Brothers' explores the problem of fraternity drinking, and questions whether making fraternities dry is an effective solution.

" ... Some of those portrayed in the article said they are unhappy at the way fraternities are presented."

The Corsair avoided fraternities altogether. We preferred the quiet eating clubs with names drawn from remote antiquity. The scent of old books. The study of dead languages in musty rooms. The late night life-changing heart to heart discussions on Heidegger's conception of "Dasein." The to-and-fro exchange among one's schoolchums of (air quotes) "saucy anecdotes." Ah, we miss St. John's and Marlboro, our dear sweet alma maters. Frat houses are so (sotto voce) "first room"

" ... Although his house is described as the 'ideal fraternity' in the article, Sigma Chi president Diego Berdakin was unhappy with what he thought were preconceived notions about his chapter.

"'He made it seem like most NU frats were like Animal House and portrayed us as Revenge of the Nerds', Berdakin said."

Obviously a film major. But not a well-studied one. The Corsair thought the article made NU frats look like Nighthawks, but portrayed them as being Young Einstein. Or something like that. An honest mistake.

" ... Berdakin also said he took issue with a quote from an anonymous member of another fraternities that said that people rushed Sigma Chi 'because no other fraternity would take them.'"

"'... A lot of people wrote to me to say how it's absurd that fraternities were warned against showing Animal House,' Denizet-Lewis said. 'Others told me frat boys were a bunch of misogynist rapists. People clearly have very strong reactions about fraternities.'"

Frat boys as misogynist rapists? Noo. Backwards baseball cap wearing beta-males in heat, yes.

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