Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Star Jones Filches Mulch and Ficus

According to TheSmokingGun, Star Jones might want to start acting a little more, uh, (wiggles fingers) "appropriate" to her income bracket -- youknowwhatImean?:


Above: Who paid for that sofa?

"Star Jones stiffed a New York City company that helped 'beautify' her penthouse garden in advance of an Architectural Digest photo shoot last year, according to a lawsuit filed against the freebie-loving star of ABC's 'The View.' In the below Civil Court lawsuit, Dimitri Nurseries claims that Jones signed an agreement guaranteeing that the firm, in lieu of payment, would get a credit in AD for its work."

... ghetto (Averted Gaze) ...

"When that citation didn't appear, the Manhattan firm demanded that Jones make good on a $7189.20 bill for geranium arrangements, potting soil, moss, mulch, dogwood, ficus plants, and other items. Jones, 42, didn't want to pay up, and instead offered earlier this year to give the firm a plaque with her picture that could be hung in its East Harlem headquarters."

... two words: "ghe," and "to" ...

"Dimitrios Gatanas, the gardening center's owner, told TSG he declined Jones's unique settlement offer. 'What am I, a diner?' he asked."

No, Dimitrios, you are a pinball machine, and you just got played ...

"In 2002, Gatanas's company built a garden on the roof above Jones's Upper East Side penthouse duplex, which the TV personality dubbed the 'Girlfriends's Garden,' since her pals helped foot the $30,000 bill."

Girldfirends ... There is no bottom for Star, simply no end, on the other hand, there is always bottom for the faboulous Al Reynolds, or so we hear.


  1. That is just not right. She has the money to pay them, and can afford to do so, but just doesn't want to? Wrong, very wrong, on so many levels. You know, stories like this really irritate me. I can't afford to pay somebody to mow my lawn, she can and refuses to pay. Ridiculous.

  2. I know, no matter how much bad press she keeps cutting these evil deals. I don't get it? Is she a Taurus? Is she THAT stubborn she doesn't guess that she's turned herself into a joke like Paris Hilton? (Star was once an upstanding lawyer)

  3. I'm on to her ... grrr

  4. Go get her Ron! I got your back.
