Monday, July 26, 2004

Ed Note: Defamer readers: The Christina Applegate and Ben Affleck story is right here

Ann (Coulter) in the Can; (Michael) Moore on the Floor leaves us to contemplate today the positively hideous twin images of, "MOORE ON THE FLOOR, BUT ANN IN THE CAN," with all the caps out and the freak flag flying at full mast. (The Corsair shivers in horror) Let the record state, however, true believers, that The Corsair has neither interest in Coulter's "can," (averted gaze) nor "Moore on the floor," (exaggerated cough, feigned detatchment) to be quite frank. It's just all so hideous, people:

"... Leftwing controversialist and Bush hater Michael Moore has free reign on the floor of the Dem convention hall -- and has been hired to write for USA TODAY at the Republican convention! 'Coulter has been hired for Boston, Moore has been hired for NY,' a USA TODAY source explained, unaware of the fallout with Coulter in Boston.

You've got to love Drudge, even if he appears, on his site, to be in a constant state of anxiety and exasperation, with all those all caps invective flying. Now, Drudgie Poo takes the time out to defend his equally exasperated pal, Ann Coulter:

"USA Today editors have spiked a daily convention column they commissioned from conservative controversialist Ann Coulter, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned. Coulter filed her first report from Boston Sunday night, only to be told hours later that editors found it 'unusable' and 'not funny.'

"'Apparently no one at USA TODAY had ever read Ann Coulter before!' Coulter, who has sold nearly a million copies of her various works and his written a syndicated column for five years, said from Boston."

Drudge has a point: play fair USA Today people, equal time for all: If Moore is covering the Republicans, then you should allow Coulter to do the same for the Democrats, with, of course, the caveat that the opinions of neither not reflect the usual cheesy cookie-cutter editorial opinion of your national "paper."

Update: The column may, ultimately, be published (link via Romenesko).

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