Tina Brown: How Ronald Reagan Saved Vanity Fair
Not only, as the eulogists would have us believe, did Reagan save us from the Evil Empire, but he gave us Vanity Fair, just as God gave rock and roll to everyone. Fashionweekdaily's link section turns our waivering attentions over to Tina Brown's rememberance in today's Washington Post about the time Ronald Reagan saved Vanity Fair. Oh, it's on like popcorn:
"We needed something big and we needed it fast, since Conde Nast Chairman S.I. Newhouse had just made it plain that we had only six more months to fool around before he kissed this money-losing turkey goodbye.
"Hoping for a deus ex machina, we got a president ex machina. VF's resourceful picture editor, James Danziger, traded on his friendship with Doug Wick, son of Reagan pal Charles Z. Wick, to score a cover shoot with Ronald and Nancy Reagan.
"... The Reagans' moment of gaiety on the cover was a kiss of life for Vanity Fair."
Oh, Tina, the man is dead, there is no synergy left in his rouged corpse, leave him alone ... must every occurrence under the sun be attatched to a Tina anecdote?
I guess when someone dies, it's time for us to rewrite history. Iran-Contra-what-who-what? Instead of a president who royally fucked us with his trickle down economics and who made policies that only rich white males and conservative republicans (yes, redundant) would find appealing, he's now an angel of God, a mere step away from Gabriel. I don't buy it.
me too, Pencopal.