Monday, June 28, 2004

Diane Keaton Gets Arts Award; The End Is Nigh

According to the AP:

"Because of her dedication to Western art, actress Diane Keaton has been awarded the Utah Governor's Award for Devotion to the Arts.

"After being praised for her dedication to Western art by Gov. Olene Walker, Keaton demurred, saying, 'I don't know who you're talking about, but it's not me � but I am very honored to be here.'"

A Utah Arts Award? Okay, now I get it.

Still, off the top of my head, Susan Sontag, BB King, Gore Vidal, John Simon, Robert Redford and Bob Dylan are all far, far more deserving of that award. For fucks sake: Tagger De La Vega is more deserving of an arts award than Keaton.

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