Tuesday, May 25, 2004

William Hung Faces Death Threats

According to that significant cultural artifact, and you know of which I speak, namely, true believer, The National Enquirer, William Hung is facing death threats:

"SHE BANGS? He hopes not! 'American Idol' reject William Hung has been hit with death threats, sources have told The ENQUIRER. The 21-year-old Asian-American singer -- who mangles hits by Ricky Martin, Elton John and others -- is so scared, he refuses to croon at nightclubs, say sources.

But Hung is not so hung up that he refuses to play arenas or stadiums where he is far from the crowd.


"'William says he's frightened to death of playing small venues, like nightclubs,' divulged a music industry insider."

The Corsair knows he shouldn't laugh, but, well ...

"After his private telephone number somehow got out on the Internet, threats started pouring in from crackpots. 'He recently turned down more than $250,000 for 30 personal appearances at different nightclubs around the country.'

"Hung told the promoter who offered him the deal that he's taking the threats very seriously and said, 'I guess some people out there don't like me.' "

Fortunately, the University of California Berkeley engineering student feels comfortable regaling large audiences with his rendition of 'She Bangs' and other unique stylings."

Other unique stylings?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Yes, he's jolly good with Van Halen's "Hot for Teacher," Jay-Z's "Big Pimpin'," and Andrea Boccelli's "Time to Say Goodbye," for the ladies.
