Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Mean Girls: Tina Fey vs. Last Call Girls

Girls are mean. And Tina Fey should know. According to Star Magazine, there is a catfight going on at NBC. Tina gives NBC's lowgrade fare Last Call the icy grill:

"There seems to be a pissing contest at NBC -- literally -- between the female staffers at the show, Last Call with Carson Daly and the ladies at Saturday Night Live. Tina Fey, SNL's head writer and Weekend Update co-anchor, and the writer and co-star of the film Mean Girls, told Carson Daly on April 21 that the women at SNL have a problem sharing the bathrooms on 17th floor of New York City's famous Rockefeller Center with the Last Call women. The reason? The SNL ladies believe Carson's female employees urinate on the toilet seats!"

(The Corsair softly chuckles)

"Word leaked out the next day that the Last Call girls were upset by Fey's remarks so someone from SNL put up a sign in the ladies room that read, 'Tina says: If you sprinkle when you tinkle, please be neat and wipe the seat.' "


1) Who knew Last Call was still on the air
2) Who leaked (excuse the pun) this information to the Star?
3) I just watched the SNL Tivo from last week, and isn't Amy Poehler's Avril Lavigne hysterical?

Anyhoo: check out Star for this story and other gossip.

1 comment:

  1. Rudolf3:54 AM

    It won't succeed as a matter of fact, that's exactly what I think.
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