Saturday, April 03, 2004

Sir John Gielgud: A Life in letters

All quotes below come from the new book, John Gielgud, A Life in Letters, Introduced and Edited by Richard Mangan:

"27 June, 1976, to Hugh Wheeler:

"I finally succumbed to play a small part for a lot of money in the Caligula of Gore Vidal. Martin is very cross with me for accepting it as I was originally offered Tiberius (now to be played by Peter O'Toole) and my first scene was to come out of a pool, with a plaster over my nose and exzema all over my face, to reveal two children, boy and girl, emerging from under my tunic where they were dallying with me. So I loftily refused and had a stinkingly rude letter from Gore saying he supposed I'd never read Suetonius, and how dared I go round saying good actors would be ashamed to appear in such pornography. Then a week or two ago came an offer for this part -- a Senator who cuts his veins in his bath and disapproves of everything, and I thought, well, why not? What Vidal and I will say to each other if and when we meet, I tremble to prophesy. I must say I never liked him. (Caligula) is backed by the owner of Penthouse Magazine! (Bob Guccione)"

"28 May to George Pitcher and Ed Cone:

"I have agreed, after a certain amount of bribery, to come over to be in a film (Arther) with Dudley Moore -- my old butler image -- to be made on location in New York ... the picture is a bit common, it seems to me, trying, but not succeding, to be a kind of Woody Allen fantasy -- but my part is good and might perhaps be funny if the director (who also is the author of the script) is clever. His name is Steve Gordon. Liza Minelli is also to be in it. There are scenes in motorcars, Tiffany's, Bloomingdales, etc. I only pray it won't be too appalingly hot, as I am very prim and dressed up. I have a death scene in the hospital wearing a cowboy hat. Keep your derision for when you see the film."

"20 Oct 1996 to Irene Worth:

"(Claire Bloom's) book (Leaving A Doll's House) about her lovers and marriages has created something of a sensation. Very painful reading, but no doubt she needs the money badly. All the name dropping will sell it well, I'm sure. But sad."

"1995 20 Feb to George Pitcher and Ed Cone:

"No work at the moment except for some odd recording jobs. Frightful gales and storms. I can;t help being riveted by the (O.J) Simpson trial. Martin gave me Sky (tv) where it is to be seen nightly, though he says I should be ashamed of myself for watching it."

All quotes below come from the new book, John Gielgud, A Life in Letters, Introduced and Edited by Richard Mangan

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