Thursday, April 08, 2004

The Condi Rice 9/11 Testimony Drinking Game (Thanks, Wonkette)

National Security Advisor Condi Rice's testimony will probably have as much gravity as Watergate, as well it should. The 9/11 Commission is trying to find out what went wrong, how did the worst terrorist attack in our history catch us off guard? Finding those answers is the job of the Commission.

And what of us? What of we policy geeks who called in sick to our jobs (*cough, cough*) so that we could watch (family emergency) this historic moment (stomach virus) uninterrupted by work?

Drink, my sweet readers; let the Cutty Sark cut the gravity. Wonkette had the idea, but because the day got away from her, I felt I should give it a shot. I give to you, dear reader, with special mention to Wonkette for the idea, The Condi Rice 9/11 Commission Drinking Game:

Take one drink if:

... Condi refers to White House documentation: memos, e-mails or agenda items

... Condi says she wants to "work with the Commission" (every time she does)

Take two drinks if:

... Condi's opening statement goes beyond 20 minutes

... Condi puts down Richard Clarke

Pound it if:

... Former Senator Bob Kerry makes an outrageous statement

... A Republican on the panel tells Bob Kerry that he is being partisan

... Condi puts down the Clinton Administration

... The Commission breaks into verbal jousting among themselves

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