Tuesday, March 16, 2004

James Caviezel told JLo to Not Get Nekkid

According to Ananova, James Caviezel, aka Jesus Christ, didn't want JLo to get nekkid during their steamy love scenes in the stinker Angel Eyes. Here is what Ananova says:

"Jim Caviezel asked Jennifer Lopez to put some clothes back on before filming a raunchy sex scene with her.

"The actor, now starring in Mel Gibson's Passion of Christ, appeared in Angel Eyes with J-Lo but didn't want to see her naked.

"The newly married actor told Jen that he didn't want to offend his wife Kerri, reports the Daily Mirror.

"I want to respect her," he said. "The only bare breasts I want next to me in my life belong to my wife."

"An astonished J-Lo ended up filming the scene wearing both her bra and a pair of knickers.

"Jim, a devout Catholic, prays for 15 minutes every morning before working out and went to mass every day while filming the Passion of Christ."

Tee hee (chuckles softly) -- "knickers."

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