Friday, January 09, 2004

Tyson and Trump

Take Alan "Ace" Greenberg, the legendary head of Bear Steans. Alan has always made a great deal of money for everyone, including himself. He is an amazingly streetwise guy with a tremendous intellect. He is a champion bridge player, and that is not by coincidence. Over the years, Alan has called me, because he know I hang out with a number of celebrities. Ace picks up the paper and reads thatI've been out with Mike Tyson, Evander Holyfield, and a host of rock stars, models, and actors. He always tells me that if I were a real friend to these celebrities, I would advise them to save their money, be very conservative and very smart.

"He watched what was happening to Mike Tyson in the newspapers. This was a number of years ago, before Mike Tyson's problems and prison term. Ace saw that Mike's money was going fast and furious, so he called me in order to offer to watch over Mike's money, as he does for so many others, and to ask that I tell Mike to please give him a call. Ace wanted no money for his guardianship; he just felt sorry for the many atheletes and stars who lose all of their money to incompetent or dishonest managers. In the most emphatic terms I asked Mike to contact Ace, but he never called."

Donald Trump, Trump: The Art of the Comeback

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