Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Susan Sarandon Hates Hillary

In the latest Index Magazine -- you know, the one with the Willem Defoe wrapped in a towel on the cover trying to look freshly fucked, but actually coming off rather 'I just skipped Wooster Group rehersal to cop a sweet bag of the Vitamin H from the dope spot on Avenue C.' That Index Magazine.

Anyhoo: Rachel Horovitz interviews Susan Sarandon and comes away with this tasty morsel:

Rachel Horovitz: How do you feel about Hillary Clinton?

Susan Sarandon: Hate her! The only thing she's going to be remembered for is standing by her man, and that is really sad. She had a shot, and she really blew it. She gave Bush the keys to the car while wagging her finger and saying 'you better not drive it, because we're going to be watching.' She turned out to be just another politician, which was really disappointing. I also think she lost a lot of support. I know a lot of people who write very large checks who have told her, 'That's it for us, don't come back.'

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