Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Family Friendly Feuds

The Page Sixers report that Lowell Paxon, scion of the utterly soul-less Pax TV (you know, the channel with the televangelists, castrated comedianas, and country music stars doing lobotomized drama ... yeah, that channel)

Anyhoo: Lowell (AKA "Bud") filed a lawsuit against his 38-year-old son, Devon Paxson and his wife, "to force them," writes Page Six, " to sell the house father and son bought jointly for $2.3 million in 2000. This would force the couple - and Paxson's grandchildren - out of the home, of which Bud owns 59 per cent and Devon 41 per cent. According to reports, the move is intended to force Devon to pony up roughly $1 million he owes his dad."

Just what we need, my little pomegranates, more family values lessons from the heartland and the Christian right.

1 comment:

  1. Brice6:37 PM

    The dude is completely just, and there is no skepticism.
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