Thursday, April 20, 2006

Lunch at Michael's

(image via chriscaffery)

The nice weather seems to have brought out variety (and, yes, that includes Ex-Variety publisher, Michael's regular Gerry Byrne) at the media power watering hole. Our favorite social chronicler David Patrick Columbia was at Sotheby's, leaving his strategically well-placed table to the NYPost's Keith Kelly. And Clinton's fixer, Vernon Jordan, as always, likes the ladies, yes he does. Radio pioneers, editrixes, producers, museum presidents and fashionista's -- and a Nobel Prize winner -- all showed up today to be duly recorded and boldfaced by the FishbowlNY's Greg Lindsay thusly:

"Table 1: Dominick Dunne, in the Dominck Dunne suited uniform, with Diane Diamond and another woman who seemed to appear halfway through the meal."

Were they talking Michaelangelo? We'd expect no less from Dunne, a former toyboy of Anais Nin (he met Anais Nin at Gore Vidal's house in Guatemala in the 50s).

"... 3. Time Inc. editor-in-chief John Huey with an intense-looking guest whom everyone noticed and yet no one seemed to remember...

"4. Former Clinton cabinet member (and legendary charmer) Vernon Jordan with a beautiful woman who also did not go unremarked upon, nor was she identified, either.

"..7. Despite the 70-degree heat today, the imperial Andre Leon Talley was wearing a mesmerizing tan crocodile coat (Prada, of course) and his companion, Manolo Blahnik president George Malkemus, was wearing a powder blue sweater tied around his neck.

"...19. The Celestine Prophecy producer Beverly Camhe and we don't know who else.

"Back room: We're told Gabe Pressman, Howard Stringer and Agnes Gund were there."

For the full, unexpurgated dose of media crack go here.

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