Monday, March 27, 2006

Simian Tommy Mottola is "Territorial"

Tommy Mottola

He may just have us "ruffed up" for this post. (image via forbes)

It would be no grand observation to Jane Goodall or other accomplished primatologists that the thuggish Tommy Mottola is a territorial sort of primate. (Exaggerated cough suggesting feigned detachment) The Great Apes like their space. They are a priavte species and have been known to mock charge and roar aggressively when someone gets too close. In this case, the potential threats are not rival Silverbacks, but, rather, WASPs. According to our favorite gossip superhero duo Rush and Molloy:

"Five years ago, after selling his 12,000-square-foot manor home in Katonah for $17 million, the former Sony Music chairman began buying property in nearby North Salem. The horsey set there had come to accept reclusive David Letterman. But they've been slower to embrace the slick deal-maker who used to be married to Mariah Carey and is now wed to Mexican superstar Thalia Sodi.

"There've been territorial issues. 'People around here let each other ride across their land,' One local tells us. 'But Mr. Mottola put up big red and white 'No Trespassing' signs."

Well, they ought to be damned glad Mottola refrained from angrily throwing his stool at the interlopers. (Averted Gaze)

"Some didn't care for his dream house. 'It's this neo-gothic chateau that's totally tasteless,' sniffs a source.

"The cold war turned colder when neighbors spotted workers cutting down trees on Mottola's property.

"'I guess he wanted people to be able to see his mansion,' says a source. 'But they don't want to see it.'"

No, it wasn't that Tommy Mottola wanted people to see his handicraft at "nesting," rather the tree branches provide a dietary supplement in the form of juicy leaves and shoots. The Id-like former music mogul was hungry for fresh oxygenated nutriment.

More here.

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