Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Wasn't Tom Ford Supposed to be in Films?


A clerarly disturbed Tom Ford plays a creepy game of tonsil hockey with a mannequin. (image via towerload via gawker)

Wasn't Tom Ford supposed to be in films? We remember the fond farewell he was given on the Rive Gauche catwalk with Stella McCartney, Harvey Weinstein, Diane Von Furstenburg and Roman Polanski -- among others -- in attendance to say goodbye to Gucci. And yet (Averted Gaze), he's back ... all over the fashion pages of W, creepily frolicking, buck-ass nekkid, feeling up the mannequins (Exaggerated cough suggestinbg feigned detachment). What the fuuu-u-ck?

His return appears kind of awkward, considering he was given such a magnificent farewell by the fashion class. The next we expected to hear of Ford was as being profiled as a Hollywood Conquistadore in Vanity Fair.

But you know what they say about the big-fish-in-the-little-pond theory. The Varsity quarterback in a one-horse town gets a little freaked by the enormity of "The Big Ten," and scampers back home during Thanksgiving Break to "hang" at the local high school, which, quite frankly, has moved on (Arched eyebrow). Cathy Horyn opined in the musty pages of The Gray Lady:

"Friday, on newsstands in the United States, the latest issue of W arrived with photographs by Steven Klein of Tom Ford in white tie and tails dancing with and making love to half-naked silicone female dummies. In another image, he is expertly applying an automobile buffing device to the bare bottom of a male."

Charmed, I'm sure. There he is (The Corsair points with an Ashton Robusto cigar), buffing and waxing those supine "beef cheeks" -- he calls it "objectifying the human body" -- for Steven Klein. According to British Vogue:

"(Tom Ford) whose back is still recovering after Naomi took a dislike to his new Hermes sandal and threw him during a ride in his native Santa Fe recently, talks to this month's Vogue about life since leaving the Gucci Group in April last year."

Naomi is the name of Tom Ford's horse, not the equally violent supermodel, although considering the injury involved, we could see how you might make that mistake. (Exaggerated cough suggesting feigned detachment)

"Having initially expected him to break into the film world, fashion watchers all over the world were surprised when Ford, who admittedly has three film projects underway already, announced that the next time we saw him professionally would be at the launch of a beauty line with Est�e Lauder.

"... The beauty industry is also Ford's platform until such time as he feels ready to jump back into the fashion arena once more. 'When I left Gucci, my main thing was to focus on films,' he says. 'But that is a slow business. I realized that if I did not design or do anything in the fashion world, then the value of my name would deteriorate.'"


(image via British Vogue)

" ... Through just 10 meetings I have produced a collection. Plus, it's working in fashion peripherally, it's being involved in the look of the season and developing the contemporary idea of beauty. It keeps my name out there and, after two or three years, if I got back into fashion, the push behind the Tom Ford Est�e Lauder Collection and the Tom ford brand will keep my name visible. It will be there in print advertising, commercials, on bus stops � so my name will have more value when I decide to come back.'"

Like a bad penny? More on British Vogue


  1. I think the pictures of Tom Ford are fab-u-lous. He does have a great body, great smile and wonderfully soulful eyes. With girls or with guys, this guy looks hot! I love him. I wish the naked in bed shot was more close-up so i could actually see his erm, privates:)

  2. Here, I do not really consider it will work.
