Thursday, February 26, 2004

The Kournikova Boytoy Tour

It looks like Anna Kournikova is pulling a Colin Farrell, and going through the opposite sex faster than a meteor about to burn itself out. The 3 AM Girls have been up all night chronicling her conquests since breaking up with Enrique Englesias. They write:

"The Russian tennis strumpet has finally been ditched by Spanish crooner Enrique after he heard reports of his other half's antics over the weekend.

"The final straw was the news that Anna had been seen in Las Vegas getting close to actor Mark Wahlberg in a number of nightclubs on Saturday.

"The pair then booked a suite in the Vegas Palm Hotel on Sunday night and emerged looking 'tired but happy' the next day.

"And that wasn't the only time she's strayed. Earlier last week she'd been spotted getting friendly with New York Yankees baseball star Derek Jeter.

"'Enrique was so upset and he says it's definitely over this time,' a source tells us. 'He couldn't stand the thought of her with someone else.'"

"But we're hardly overflowing with sympathy for Enrique. Since he met Anna he's been linked to a string of women, so she's finally giving him a taste of his own medicine."

Note to young, beautiful, rich and famous people: fidelity is overrated.

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